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Gen Alpha are making holiday wish lists now!

Children making Christmas wish lists

We launched the Summer version of our Precise Advertiser Report, Kids a few months ago. The report focuses on the media consumption habits of US Gen Alpha, with a special focus on the YouTube, Shorts, TikTok and CTV platforms alongside insights about co-viewing and shopping behaviors.

We know kids have a huge influence on what their parents buy for them and this is even more true when it comes to the holidays. Our survey, carried out in the early summer of 2024, reveals some interesting stats that advertisers should be taking note of when planning for the end of year and deciding where and when to place their ads for toys and games that could become 2024 ‘must have’s’.

Wish lists are being written now!

According to our latest survey, almost 9 in 10 kids plan to make a holiday wish list this year with 35% of them making their wish lists at least 3 months before Christmas. A further 17% are making them 2 months before and in the month up to Christmas 23% are sitting down to write their lists of wanted gifts. 

Brands wanting to make sure their toy or game is on the wishlist of US Gen Alpha kids need to be advertising from September or risk missing out on those all important holiday sales. 

Buying habits: what you need to know

Our report also surveys the parents of Gen Alpha aged children.  60% of the surveyed say they start holiday shopping before October. Furthermore, the biggest impact on purchasing decisions, after their child (42%), is YouTube (13%).

The report goes further and divulges where parents are likely to do their gift shopping. 76% of parents noted they would shop at Walmart and 73% noted Amazon, followed by Target with 43% of all parents saying they would buy some gifts there. 

Co-viewing as a way to reach the decision maker

‘Co-viewng is king’ is certainly a phrase we have used multiple times over the past years and now we have even more the data to back it up. The report reveals the below and showcases just how important it is for brands to ensure their ads are placed on the correct platforms, especially YouTube and YouTube on a TV screen, in order to influence a buyer. 

  • 7 in 10 parents say their child has asked for something they saw advertised while co-viewing 
  • Almost 6 in 10 parents agree that they are more likely to purchase a product they saw advertised when co-viewing with their child 
  • 46% of parents watch ads when co-viewing  with their kids
  • 6 out of 10 kids co-view YouTube and YouTube Shorts
  • 7 in 10 co-view when watching YouTube on a TV
  • 6 out of 10 parents are inspired to buy things for their child when seeing their child’s reaction to ads

The power of YouTube advertising over other media forms 

YouTube has established itself as a powerhouse in driving purchase power, surpassing other forms of media due to its high ad recall and influence on Gen Alpha consumer behavior. A sampling of report findings includes: 

  • YouTube delivers 2.3x greater ad recall compared to broadcast TV and 2.6x greater than video-on-demand (VOD), making it a formidable platform for driving brand awareness and purchase decisions.
  • YouTube's position as the leading platform for ad recall among children is unmatched, with 53% of kids recalling ads on YouTube more than any other platform. 
  • YouTube Shorts and commercial-based VOD services have ad recall rates of 21% and 20%. 
  • Nearly a third of kids think the best commercials air against their favorite YouTube content

It is essential for brands to have a strong digital advertising strategy in place as we head into the holiday season and with our research showing Gen Alpha will be thinking about the gifts they want in a matter of weeks, time is of the essence. If you need advice on where your ads should be placed to reach Gen Alpha at the crucial time, please get in touch. 

Topics: youtube, advertising, contextual targeting, holiday, shopping, digital, youtube shorts