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New Nielsen report: Kids push TV usage up with 90% coming from ‘non-traditional’ sources

Written by Pete Stower | Aug 21, 2023 10:39:19 AM

School’s out for summer, time to turn on the TV. 

June often sees a seasonal bump in TV usage driven by kids fresh out of school but this year sees a change in how they’re watching. 

Nielsen’s recently-released report found that TV usage from kids aged 2-11 increased in June by 16.3% and by a whopping 24.1% for kids 12-17, ending a lull in viewing that began four months earlier.

So where did this growth come from? 

Well, it’s not from traditional sources, such as linear viewing. In fact, according to Nielsen, non-traditional sources were responsible for 90% of this rise. 

With younger kids, aged 2-11, streaming makes up the vast majority, accounting for 62% of their usage. While for older kids, aged 12-17, streaming makes up 43%.

This all had a positive impact on Disney+ and YouTube, two of the main platforms for kids’ content. Disney+ usage jumped by 11.9% to now account for 2% of all TV, while YouTube’s dominant position in streaming was solidified as it edged closer to taking 9% of all TV usage, higher than any other streaming service. 

Nielsen’s report supports Precise TV’s own research into kids and teens’s media habits. The just-released Precise Advertiser Report Teens & Youth (PARTY) research shows that 82% of teens have recently watched YouTube, and nearly a third have watched Hulu and Amazon Prime. 

If you would like to learn more about teen media habits, please download our report here  or contact  us