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TOTY and Toy Fair: where fun prevails

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The most brilliant ideas are often the simplest. Take the Rubik's Cube. A seemingly unassuming toy, composed of 26 colorful blocks, it conceals a staggering 43 quintillion permutations. Even its inventor, Ernő Rubik, spent a month deciphering his own prototype. This deceptively simple puzzle has captivated the world, selling over 500 million units and earned its place as an iconic toy.

In New York on Friday evening, this achievement was recognised as Ernő Rubik, the inventor of the eponymous cube, was inducted to the Toy Foundation’s Hall of Fame. 

The word “toy” might suggest mere play but toys are often far more than just playthings. They can be important learning tools that develop key skills such as spatial awareness, problem solving and creativity. They can provide children with transformative emotional experiences. 

In his acceptance speech, Professor Rubik, acknowledged that the current generation of young children will be the first to grow up with complex challenges like dealing with climate change and the ethical use of AI. It is innovations in the toy industry that can enlighten and inspire a new generation of thought leaders to solve these challenges.

The Precise team attended the New York Toy Fair this past weekend, where this innovation was on full display. Brands of all sizes continue to redefine what is meant by the word “toy”. Take for example, Lego, who were the talk of the market with their dazzling recreation of Central Park, complete with bouquets of Lego flowers, pigeons and legendary Pizza Rat. Games companies Exploding Kittens and Big Potato were showcasing creative new products that bring groups and families together. Meanwhile, Plan Toys were reimagining what is meant by kids food, with an attractive display of wooden toys in the style of a farmers market - oysters, “grass fed beef” and “wild mushrooms” all on show - rather than the usual toy pizzas and burgers.

Ultimately though, there’s one thing that united all the toys on display this past week and it’s what propelled the Rubik’s cube beyond the pages of mathematics journals: they are fun.

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners at the Toy Of The Year Awards. We look forward to collaborating with the remarkable individuals who make this industry so special.

Topics: awards, ToyFair, event, toys