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Nordic Children Are 3x More Likely to Remember an Advert on YouTube


Nordic children are 3x more likely to remember an advertisement on YouTube than any other platform

At Precise TV, our goal is to be a contextual intelligence company that can drive business outcomes for brands – in particular ones looking to market to families. 

When it comes to understanding the viewership of children, advertisers must give careful consideration as to how they collect insights. That’s why we develop our custom reports, dubbed PARK (Precise Advertiser Report: Kids), to help brands responsibly market to kids. These PARK reports survey thousands of families to give advertisers the confidence to execute media buys in a COPPA-compliant way. 

We recently partnered with Mint, a children’s media and entertainment agency based in Denmark, to produce our first-ever PARK Nordics Report. The report includes insights about the viewing habits of children ages 2-12 and their parents. 

The report reveals that 84% of children in Sweden and 64% of children in Denmark consume the most media content on YouTube instead of investing time into other platforms such as Netflix or DisneyPlus.

Further insights show: 

  • YouTube is the no.1 commercial platform, with kids 3 x more likely to recall an advert compared to anywhere else.
  • 80% of children watch YouTube on portable devices rather than mobile or connected TV platforms.
  • 48% of children ages 2-12 can only be reached via digital platforms. 

“It’s very exciting for us to have compiled local data on Nordic media consumption. Kids specific TV advertising is no longer an option in the Nordics, so the new local data combined with the PreciseTV contextual targeting platform is an invaluable asset in our media planning toolkit” - says Rasmus Dige COO at Mint Copenhagen.  

To learn more about Nodric children, how they consume media and where to reach them with your brand, download the full report here.

Topics: youtube, kidsafe, advertising, Kids, tiktok, youtube kids, CTV, videoads