As the world’s first and leading kidSAFE+COPPA certified YouTube advertising platform, we strive to deeply understand families, children and what forms of advertising they prefer to consume.
To help Precise TV and our advertising partners further understand the U.S. family market, we partner with Giraffe Insights, a leading kids, youth and family research agency, to release custom reports covering the media consumption habits of U.S. children ages two and 12 – with additional insights from their parents.
In addition to these reports providing invaluable insights to the market, they help fuel Precise TV’s contextual intelligence platform that our brand and agency partners leverage for smarter video-level ad targeting.
Dubbed PARK (Precise Advertiser Report: Kids), the latest report surveyed 2,000 families in the United States, including children and their parents.This U.S. report builds on previous studies we have done that cover Nordic children’s consumption habits, family co-viewing and children’s influence on family vacation decisions.
The report reveals that 84% of kids say YouTube is the main way they consume video content, with 40% of kids spending up to 2 hours a day on YouTube.
Further insights highlight that more than 50% of kids ask their families to buy something they have seen advertised on TikTok.
Since TikTok is an emerging leading platform to reach children, we also examined the emergence of YouTube Shorts, YouTube’s short-form entertainment response to TikTok.
Additionally, the report reveals:
“I’m keen for these insights to further fuel Precise TV’s contextual intelligence engine and help our partners drive better sales in 2023,” says Christian Dankl, Precise TV Co-Founder and Chairman.
To learn more about U.S. children and their families, where they consume media and how to reach them with your brand, download the full report, here.